Art direction
Tanja Valérien, she is an amazing creative and beautiful personality, permanent creating art in different ways, offering precise visual concepts for fashion, interior and sports.
Her strong experience in the world of fashion in terms of Artdirection, Brand placement, intensive Trend research, big Production coordination, photography and Podcasts, her very personal adorable project, combined with enthusiasm and passion, characterizes her on this bright professional carreer.

Andreas Ortner, Albert Watson, Neil Kirk, Txema Yeste, Eamonn J.McCabe, Markus Pritzi, Anne Menke, Thomas Nutzl, Richard Phibbs, Serge Guerand, Petra Bindel, Anders Schønnemann , Jeroen van der Spek, Darren Keith, Jan Welters, Robert Erdmann, Dirk Lambrechts, Uli Weber, Gabo, Pasquale Abbattista, Esther Haase, Russel James, Dirk Bader.
Depot, Engelhorn, Orsay, red Chili Climbing, Louis & Mia, Eleven Wishes, Away from it all, Karstadt, Roy Robson, 0039 Italy, public, Alba Moda, Globetrotter, Peek&Cloppenburg, Jobis, ZDF, Just White, Aigner
Gardeur, Sinn Leffers, Frank Walder, Concept K, Gerry Weber, Taifun, Samoon, Erfo, Desiree, Zuckerwatte, Christa Probst, Wöhrl, CK-Corina Knoll, LuCia, Jean Claire, Le Frog, Dress In, Adam‘s Corner, Striwa, Yorn, LuRen Cahmere.